Dawood Loves His Books - Book Review

Dawood Loves His Books - Book Review

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Author: Umm Marwan Ibrahim
Illustrator: Nolitri Devi
Publisher: Djarabi Kitabs Publishing
Pages: 20
Format: Paperback
Price: as of today on Amazon is $15.99. Price as of today on Khadijah Inspired is $15 - lowest price in U.S.
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This book is about a little boy Dawood who loves books. One day he notices a book on his mom's shelf, which is Qur'an. Seeing the child's interest the mom recites a surah to him and teaches him what Allah says in it. Through this experience he finds his new love: Allah.

Along side encouragement to read books, author has added quick Aqeedah lesson in the book by choosing Surah Ikhlas and giving it's gist (ma sha Allah).
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The book captures the children's attention with bright colors. Also, illustrations are more like drawings. Hopefully, these illustrations will encourage young readers to enhance their drawing skills and be illustrators themselves once they grow and are ready :D

One unique aspect of the book is that Illustrations do not have facial features. Which does make it one of the very few Muslim kids books that are free of facial features (ma sha Allah).
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In the end, author has incorporated parting gift: you will find a code to scan that will get you free activity sheets in pdf format! Total 7 pages.
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One of the pages in the activities' pdf.
I hope you found this quick review and inside pictures of the book helpful (in sha ALLAH).
Review by Umm Ruqaiya